Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
What is DBT?
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is a structured psychotherapy program with a strong educational component aimed at teaching skills for managing intense emotions and navigating social relationships. Initially developed to address the self-destructive impulses of chronic suicidal patients, it is now the preferred treatment for borderline personality disorder, emotion dysregulation, and various other psychiatric conditions. DBT includes weekly group instruction and individual therapy sessions, typically lasting six months to a year.
The term "dialectical" reflects the therapy's acknowledgment of life's complexity and the idea that health is an ongoing process, shaped through continuous dialogue with oneself and others. DBT focuses on balancing opposing forces and exploring the truth behind powerful negative emotions.
DBT emphasizes the need for change within a context of acceptance, recognizing the constant flux of feelings—many of them contradictory—without becoming overwhelmed by them. Therapists help patients understand and accept that thought is inherently messy. DBT combines scientific principles with practical application.

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